Handwriting Analysis and Graphology

Two types of handwriting analysis:
1. Forensic handwriting
2. Graphology.

Here on both analysis slants, spacing of writing, angles, letters pressure of writing, strokes. In Some addition in Forensic, the darkness of the strokes and the paragraphs and formatting of words. The types of handwritings are cursive, pre-cursive and print handwriting. In our handwriting four things are affects; speed, size, pressure, spacing and form. The sequence that produces handwriting begins at “control central’, the cingulate cortex in your frontal lobes where the decision to initiate the process is made, although the limbic system also acts at the outset to colour the emotional content of the motor sequence. The method helps analyst to understand the writer’s psychological condition and characteristics and personality. Some problems in handwriting; illegible handwriting letters of different sizes, unfinished words or sentences, inability to write for very long, difficulty organizing ideas on paper.

We improve our handwriting in 30 days. We needs regular practice, improvement specific program, and with some techniques. We will do daily handwriting practice at least 20 to 30 minutes after months you find out improvement in your side. In research shows that handwriting is associated with intelligence and that it can predict reading and writing skills. In one studies, that writing on paper increases Cognitive activity and make you more intelligent. Even the more neural connections are formed within your brain.

Improve handwriting: Choose the right pen, writing time our posture, writing slow and letters size normal, copy some matters which you like, words spacing. We could correct our handwriting at any age. Through handwriting, you can express, reduce stress, depression, improve concentration, get more clarity towards plan and work, improve relationship, confidence, and anxiety.


Handwriting (Graphology)

The word “Graphology” is a combination of the Greek word ‘Graphein’, which means “To write” and the suffix “Ology” a branch of scientific study. It is possible to understand writing character using different ways to the specific origins, and understands the personality, emotion, strength and many more things.

Handwriting records your thoughts and emotions. Writing makes our thinking and learning visible and permanent. Writing faster our ability to explain and refine our ideas to others and ourselves. Handwriting is initiated by electrical impulses for the brain, through the central neural system, through the arm/hand and recorded on paper. Handwriting reflects personality, it tells who you are.