(Psychologist Counsellor, Special Educator, NLP Master Practitioner, Life Coach, and Handwriting Analyst)

Work on through holistic approach, healthy and positive atmosphere. We will put effort to give healthy and positive mental support to everyone who needs it. Because “Mental health always be come in the first”.

Connect with De Addiction Centre and do right with holistic approach counselling. Give family, couple and individual counselling with positive and right approach. Even, deal Special Children (Learning problem, ADHD, and Behavioural Problem) and do their parents counselling for; “How to do take care of their children and How to understand and understand their emotions?” They could understand and feel every good and bad moment.

Always trying to work on cause roots, understand the other person thought process with positive and health mind. Even always develop positive rapport building with other people. Because we believe that everyone on the earth has capabilities and skills to handle to the unwanted situations in the life.

Only sometimes, we need positive Mental Support. This Mental Support everyone need but in some percentage of people avoid, somehow in denial mode and let go to every situation in the life…this is affecting in the present moment. This will be affecting in the future too.

We feel mental satisfaction when the person his/her life moves peacefully. When they spread very positive vibes and smile towards person.

  • Conducted more than 30+ programs in Google meet, related to Mental Health, Communication (Verbal, Non-Verbal, Writing) and Transform Life etc. (Still this positive and life transform programs is going on)
  • Do Instagram Live programs, related to Mental Health, Communication (Verbal, Non-Verbal, Writing and Food Communication) and Transform Life etc. (Still this positive and life transform programs is going on)


Vibes of Happiness
Shine and Glitter yourself

Individual Session
Thoughts build your character, so express those with freedom

Online Peaceful Session
Your thoughts journey should be exciting and amazing

Positive Growth Cases
Work on the best what is treasured inside of you...




Assessments, Design Home Programs, Individual Sessions

Depression, Anxiety, Suicidal, OCD, Couple relationship, Family counselling and many more.
Learning Disability, Autism, Behavioural Problem, ADHD
Alcohol, Drugs and gaming

9 years of experience in Counselling 100%
14 years of experience in Special Education 90%
3 years of experience in De Addiction 80%







- India Prime Women Icon Awards 2022 as a Psychologist

India Prime award helps to reach potential viewers with superior confidence and effectiveness because of the tag mentioned in the award








- Women Leadership Award 2022 as a Psychologist

As an acknowledgement of her efforts towards her journey of being a leader in the community. We feel honoured to present this award for her outstanding contribution to her field and society.








- IW Psychologist Counsellor, India Woman Awards, December 2021.

The endeavor and hard work you did in your personal & professional life have been magnanimous, crowned you with the zeniths of plethora. Your brilliancy and determination are awe-inspiring.








- Special Educator of the year, International Brilliance Awards 2021.

(Achievements and contribution towards the development of the nation and society.)








- In Psychology Field, India International Women Awards, August 2021

(Strive to be the best in their areas by pushing the boundaries.)








- Best NLP Practitioner of the Delhi, April 2021

(The Crazy Tales Most powerful women)